Seikichi is a young tattoo artist and former Ukiyo-e artist of high repute. His longtime wish is to “carve his soul into the skin of a beautiful woman” but he has been unable to find a willing partner. The story begins when Seikichi finally meets his ideal canvas...
Inspired by a short story by Junichiro Tanizaki, the world-renowned Japanese literary figure, and Irezumi tattoos, which have attracted worldwide attention as a popular Japanese art-form through mediums such as anime and video games, TATTOOER aims to promote Japanese theatrical culture in the UK.
1hr 30min. No interval.
14th October, 2024
26th October, 2024
Please note that latecomers will not be admitted and there is no readmittance once the performance starts
By: Takuya Kaneshima
Director: Hogara Kawai
Location: West End
Railway station: Charing Cross
Bus numbers: (Trafalgar Square / Charing Cross Station Stop K) 11, 87, 91
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